Anticipate (misreading social cues, previously unrecognized behavior) :
Children could be struggling to read your facial expressions
Plan to use social media to introduce children to teachers wearing masks – Post pictures of the teachers/staff wearing masks with the questions such as: “Can you guess who?” or “Can you guess what emotion I am feeling?”
Talk about emotions and use a variety of strategies to teach children to recognize emotions in themselves and others.
Validate children’s emotions by labeling them.
Model and label your emotions.
Children may come to the center with new challenging behaviors that weren’t there before.
Post behavior expectations or rules that are:
Positively stated
Include a visual
Limited in number (3-5)
Provide intentional instruction on the posted previously established and new behavior expectations/rules.
In large and small group activities
With individual children as needed
What does the expectation/rule look like and sound like?
Provide specific positive feedback to children on meeting expectations/rules.
Comment frequently on appropriate child behavior linking the behavior to the posted classroom rules/expectations.
Focus attention on teaching, reinforcing and pre-correction.
Separation anxiety and other forms of anxiety could become present (fearfulness/withdrawal from activities).
Use a visual schedule (posted at children’s eye level) to increase predictability
Review the visual schedule frequently throughout the day, including expectations for drop off routines
Allow and encourage transition objects and rituals
Create collages/family books with pictures of each child’s family members. Have collages/family books easily accessible for children to reference throughout the day.
Validate emotions – offer ideas of something they could do to feel better (Ex: draw a picture for mom, look at their family picture book, hold their transition object, etc.) .